Use Lists

This topic shows how to use ordered and unordered lists in reStructured Text.

Ordered Lists

Use hash symbols for ordered lists:

#. Step 1.
#. Step 2.
#. Step 3.


Ordered lists usually use numerals. Nested ordered lists (ordered lists inside other ordered lists) use letters.

An ordered lists should have 3-7 items.

Unordered Lists

Use asterisks for unordered (bulleted) lists.

* Item 1.
* Item 2.
* Item 3.

An unordered lists should have 3-7 items.

Unordered List Inside Ordered List

To include an unordered list inside an ordered list, indent the unordered list three spaces. The first bullet in the unordered list must be flush with the text in the ordered list.

#. Step 1.

    * Item 1.

    * Item 2.

#. Step 2.

Ordered List Inside Unordered List

To include an ordered list inside an unordered list, indent the ordered list two spaces. The first number or letter of the ordered list must be flush with the text in the unordered list.

* Item 1.

  #. Step 1.

  #. Step 2.

* Item 2.

Unordered List Inside Unordered List

To include an unordered list inside another unordered list, indent the second unordered list two spaces. The first bullet of the second unordered list must be flush with the text in the unordered list.

* Item 1.

  * Item a.

  * Item b.

* Item 2.

Ordered List inside Ordered List

To include another ordered list inside an ordered list, indent the second ordered list three spaces. The second ordered list must be flush with the text in the numbered list. The first ordered list uses numerals, and the second uses letters.

#. Step 1.

    #. Step a.

    #. Step b.

#. Step 2.

Code, Images, and Other Content Inside Lists

To include content such as code or an image inside a list, position the code or image directive flush with the text in the list. That is, indent three spaces for ordered lists and two spaces for unordered lists.

#. Step 1. Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

      Example code

#. Step 2.