Build the Project


To build the HTML output for your project, open the command prompt in the top-level folder of your project (the location of the Makefile). Then enter:

make html

The HTML files are created in the build folder. Typically this is called build and at the same level as the source folder, although you can change this in the Makefile.

Automatically Generate HTML Updates

You can set up your project so that the HTML is automatically regenerated every time you save a change. This allows you to keep a the project open in your browser and view changes immediately.

You must install Sphinx Autobuild.

  1. From a command prompt, enter pip install sphinx-autobuild.

  2. In the Makefile, add the lines:

    SPHINXAUTOBUILD = sphinx-autobuild
       -p 0 \
       -H \
       -B \
       --delay 1 \
       --ignore "*.swp" \
       --ignore "*.pdf" \
       --ignore "*.log" \
       --ignore "*.out" \
       --ignore "*.toc" \
       --ignore "*.aux" \
       --ignore "*.idx" \
       --ignore "*.ind" \
       --ignore "*.ilg" \
       --ignore "*.tex" \
       --watch source
    .PHONY: livehtml
       @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)."
  3. From the command prompt, enter:

    make livehtml

The project is built and opens automatically in your browser.

Each time you save a file in the project, it is automatically rebuilt. Just refresh your browser.


If there are errors in the project, the automatic build will not complete and the HTML will not be updated. Check the command window for error details.